Kids Martial Arts

I advise all parents to put their kids in jiu jitsu classes before any other sport.

Kelly Slater
11 time world surfing champion

Improve your kid’s life (Therefore  yours, too)

We have kids classes for kids 4-14 years old that provide character development and personal growth that affects every area of life.

The variety of movements and patterns we utilize develop functional strength, coordination, flexibility, and control.  In other words, kids will naturally develop skills that help them excel in all sports. 

  • Get into great shape & improve functional fitness for all sports
  • Build self-confidence
  • Improve respect, discipline, and self-control
  • Enhance focus and attention span
  • Prevent bullying
  • Meet other great kids

BJJ is the martial art used in bully prevention programs that have been praised by Oprah, CNN, and parents worldwide.  Therefore, you can have confidence knowing it’s been used, tested, and evaluated by a wide range of people.

End Bullying

Firstly, we teach kids how to confront bullying with verbal response techniques.  In addition,  we use jiu jitsu as the best non-violent self-defense for children and teens.  Consequently, kids gain the self-confidence to defuse confrontations before they escalate and the skills to protect themselves, if needed.

Bullying is one of the most serious and consequential social issues in schools today, and it has ripple effects throughout our communities.  For example …

  • 280,000 kids are physically attacked each month
  • Every 7 minutes a kid is bullied on a playground in the US
  • Every year, 3 million children miss school due to bullying
  • 70% of students believe schools respond poorly to bullying and that adult help is infrequent

In short, don’t let your child be a victim – give them the power to end bullying today!


of students are bullied

were physically attacked last year

missed school due to bullying last year


fear harrassment in the bathroom


If you live in the Brighton area, come try us out --- on us. No cost nor obligation. We'll provide everything you need.